重点在"据说"有112个意义, 只是"据说"甭信那数字,不过医学上肺癌 lung cancer 成因与smoking 纠结了几个世纪,其中的意义是很多,包括由农业社会转型和太阳黑子,空气汚染,讨论到人类基因,几十个意义是跑不掉,但翻译重点不是数数儿,要信达雅。
The red line in the picture says there are 112 meanings. I just saw one. What else does it mean
句法模糊性。 (a) Increased responsiveness may be reflected in feeding behaviour,
(b) Lung cancer death rates are clearly associated with increased smoking, (c) Higher productivity means more supporting services,各句前increased responsiveness) 与后(feeding behaviour)之间是起因还是证据关系?这种关系由谁引出谁?如果缺乏上下文,学习者会无所适从。这就要求读者对类似话语推进的基本内容始终保持清醒认识。