看!二班正在上英语课.=See!2 class just top English lesson.
你学姐在购物么?=Do you learn elder sister in the shopping Yao?
人们通常在哪里看书?=Where do people usually read a book at?
请你给我一张相好么?=Please fond of each other Yao for my 1?
Look! Class 2 is having English lessons.
Is your sister in school shopping?
Where do people read books?
Please give me a photo ,will you?
看!二班正在上英语课。=look!The class 2 have a English lesson now.
看!二班正在上英语课Look!The class tow is having English class.
你学姐在购物么?=Is your sister buying?
人们通常在哪里看书?=Where do people usually read boosks ?
请你给我一张相好么?=Please give me one your photo,ok?