Michael Jackson is not only a talent of music but also he is really a gentelman,In the control of the white,Micharl Jackson as a black,he got the achievement that white can not reach the level,He tried to fetch the position of black,Though he got the unfire treatment of white,still he is strong enough in the Music area.He is the king of pop,everyone is study his dance style and his singing style.He is really a solo artist and really he made the music come to life
他六岁就苦练歌舞,8岁就成名!小孩就承受着成年人都承受不了的压力! 他因为从小就学音乐! 所以做出来的音乐非常棒,舞蹈也是一流,每一个动作都成为经典,例如打响手指就是他发明的! 从小到大越来越红,红遍全球!