
2025-02-26 14:32:36

The shrine visits (have) deeply hurt the feelings of the people of all countries that suffered from the aggression and display that Japan attempts to restore its militarism.

but the Japanese government (denies) and (distorts) its history of aggression

They attempt to shirk (their) responsibilities (for the war) by confusing right and wrong

How can we embrace them who made us (suffer) so much

How can we open our heart and try to bridge with (a nation) which deliberately plans to keep China under control?

The hurts are (hard) to heal, the only way for them is (to remember the history,to engage in deep and positive reflection in the face of countries and to take back their words with their actual deeds……
All Chinese shall learn to say “No”----All Chinese should answer "No" to the question.

and make concerted efforts to build our country into a prosperous and strong (one)

Looking back (to the) history
let the children live (in) happiness
let the world be peace for ever,let the war be over---Let the war be just a part of the past ,and let the world be (peaceful) for ever


hallo teacher hi sudrent .I'm sha zi I'mgei ni yan jiang gao qiajng jia nfsdfdsf sdfsd dsf sdf sd fsdf sd fsdf ds fds sd ds fds sd ds fsd fsd fds fsd fsdf sd sd dssd sdf dfs fa sadf saf sa f sad f xsxgretwef as f asf s f we g sd fgsd gsdg sd f a d azs fsd g df g df gsa a erwr set sd g gsd g s g sd f aghd fah da g s d h dfshb sdh sd gsdh s ghfd ah era yre gasg daffh ad h da hda h ad h ad fasga h rt j jiaggs hgadfhdfhdfh dg fsdg a gdafhevc v e gfsvsxgsgdb hd fh da h df hdf h s reuoiu p oi p io q eac z gbvcfnjg h dfafsryurthrthgx gtt e gsdg sdg sdg sdg ds gdsg dsg sdg a r ters t fs faf sa d g fdg fd gfd sA ADDW W W FDGDH HF FG HGF GFDSF SD gfd h dfh df D ADSFFD g df fg s g sd g sdg sd g sdg sd g sd gsdg ds gsdg sd gdssg sdg sd gf g srerwqr w t tu yt uty i i poi d cxbvvcbds dg hjhqeee t说完你就会得80元,你看把 fsd fsd fds dsfds54f 6ds4 f6d5s4 654654564564 564 56 465 4 654 65 45 64 654 56 4 65I'm 500000000old 54 5 4 56 4 654 0. 1 asdasrwetrf jrt yrytiewuv riwyq uiqweh bcnb sajfhjie hjhbfsdjkb jkasdhrfuiwaeh tjgbjkjsadjkgbjksadh giouweh tiuoaerhtiuoearh jkhbvjkxbnvsdjkfh ioashjf iosd hjio shdoi hjsodi hjiosh jois hjsoih bniuvsdhtoweh