1909年6月申请戴姆勒公司登记了三叉星做为轿车的标志,象征着陆上、水上和空中的机械化.1916年在它的四周加上了一个圆圈,在圆的上方镶嵌了4个小星,下面有梅赛德斯“Mercedes”字样。“梅赛德斯”是惊奇的意思,它是卡尔 奔驰最喜欢的一个单词,他甚至给他的女儿起名为Mercedes,原意为能给人们的生活带来惊奇。
1.几经变迁 锐气不减
1885和1886年,卡尔与哥德利普构造出了各自的第一辆汽车,1883年卡尔先起炉灶,在曼海姆建立了奔驰汽车公司,1890年哥德利普紧随其后在斯图加特建立起戴姆勒汽车公司。1894年和1896年,两公司分别推出了世界上第一辆汽油机公共汽车和第一辆汽油机载重汽车,经过了初期的竞争与发展和一战后的经济衰退、国外同行业产品的冲击,为了生存两家公司联手御敌,于1926年合并正式成立戴姆勒—奔驰汽车公司(简称奔驰公司),从此诞生了德国汽车成长与发展的摇篮。虽然二战时期的奔驰公司也弥漫着硝烟,但受到重创后的奔驰很快恢复了汽车生产。1945年,开始生产卡车,1946年又重新开始轿车生产,并且逐渐恢复了世界高档车生产商的地位,几多变迁与发展体现着王者霸气的奔驰公司愈发强大与鼎盛。1998年公司的领导人朱尔金·施伦普(Juergen schrempp)又决定与美国克莱斯勒公司合并组成戴姆勒—克莱斯勒公司,形成汽车工业之巅。世人深信,奔驰会在未来的汽车发展史上不断塑造辉煌。
5.一旦拥有 别无所求
Mercedes-Benz is a German brand name of automobiles, buses, coaches, and trucks owned by DaimlerChrysler, previously Daimler-Benz (1926–1998). Mercedes-Benz automobiles have introduced — both in the past and present — the majority of technological and safety features common in modern vehicles.
Origin of logo and brand
Established in 1871, Benz & Cie. was the most important of several companies founded by Karl Benz. The Benz patent motor wagon was ahead of its times; by 1886, Benz had the first four-stroke engine. Karl Benz is credited as the inventor of the first "true" automobile since Daimler's vehicle was a horse carriage adapted with an engine, whereas the 1886 Benz automobile had a chassis designed from scratch.
Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft-(DMG) was founded by Gottlieb Daimler and his partner Wilhelm Maybach in 1890. Daimler died in 1900 and Maybach left DMG in 1907. By then, Benz & Cie. and DMG were rivals. In 1924, owing to economic necessity after World War I, they entered into an "Agreement of Mutual Interest" valid until the year 2000. This initial agreement still allowed each company to manufacture and sell their products under their original brand names. After the official merger in June 28, 1926, the firm became known as Daimler-Benz.
The hyphenated brand name Mercedes-Benz was established after that merger. The brand name Daimler had been licensed for use on other automobiles in France and the United Kingdom, and was therefore not available to Daimler-Benz. Instead, the name of its seminal Mercedes model designed by Maybach over twenty years before was chosen for the DMG portion of the new brand. ("Mercedes" had been painted on a DMG vehicle used in races by a man in honor of his daughter, and became the formal name of a DMG model in 1902, see below.) Thus, Mercedes-Benz became the brand name applied to the models of one of the new firm. Because of its eponymous tie to Karl Benz and his early vehicles, Mercedes-Benz is also the name of the world's oldest continuously produced automobile line.
As part of the 1926 merger, a new logo was created that would include a symbol for each and integrate the names of the two former companies. A three-pointed star had been designed by Gottlieb Daimler, to show the ability of his motors for land, air, and sea use. This star first appeared on a DMG model in 1909, so it was chosen for the new logo. The traditional laurel wreath symbol used by Karl Benz was added along with his name to complete the new logo. The logo with a plain ring, as seen today, was not used until 1937.
In 1998, Daimler-Benz and Chrysler agreed to combine their businesses — promoted as the "merger of equals" — and the new entity was named DaimlerChrysler AG.
On May 14, 2007, the separation of Daimler and Chrysler was announced. Selling Chrysler has been seen as a positive move for Daimler by its shareholders, who hope that the separation will allow Daimler's car brand Mercedes-Benz to be free to do what it does best without having the distractions of its heavily unprofitable U.S. partner Chrysler. However, Daimler retains a 20 per cent minority stake in Chrysler.