To learn English, it is necessary to the language itself and the language to convey interest in a variety of cultural information. When you read or hear someone use simple English to express profound ideas, excitement and immediately remember that this shows that you have generated interest in the language. There is no such interest, it is difficult learning a foothold in the language.
Learning English from the outset emphasis on pronunciation and intonation. Pronunciation, intonation, stress, pause, do not seek perfection, but basically correct. Otherwise, it will affect the hearing and spoken language, so that loss of communication function of language.
Lay the foundation for easy reading of the very useful, to read more. First, the number should be more to read at least 40. Second, we should repeat the read, selected 10-15, read three times, to read many of the issues in India and in the brain. Imagine, people can use 1500-2000 words written dozens of books to, if we can master these expressions to live, able to express how much!
In the latter part of the basic stage, or high grade, should strive to memorize famous article, for instance, back articles 50-100. In terms of language or content, this is essence. Memorize, and the understanding of Western culture, the language used in the study as a whole. 要学好英语,就要对语言本身及语言所传达的各种文化信息感兴趣。当你读到或听到别人用简洁的英语表达深奥的思想时,兴奋不已,立即记住,这就表明你已对语言产生了兴趣。没有这种兴趣,难以在语言学习中登堂入室。