Master Liang is well-known as his theory of "Golden Mean Translation", which is deeply influenced by the philosophy of "Golden Mean". His philosophy is closely linked with his tranditional scholar-bureaucrat thinking deposits-Confucianism-Babbitts' idea of New Humanism tightly combined with his noble temperament and gentility. Nutured by both Chinese and Western culture, many aspects of him, including his attitude towards life, thinking style and literature cognition are obviously "Golden Mean", which in turn, strongly affects his translation. Here, the tranlation of Master Liang, "darling buds" is hardly precise, but the whole sentence is still clear and cohenrent.
Moreover, "Remain the verve of the original", “Survey the meaning and emotion of the original faithfully”, "imagine himself to the author", "imagine himeself to the actor on the stage", these theory is what Master Zhu holds. Therefore, his translation pursues the match with the original. His version, to the greatest extent, pursues the conformability with the "verve" of the original. Here, a literal translation is more matching with his theory.
In summary, these translations of the sonnets of Shakespare- Liang's version, Wu's version or Gu's version-have their own "qianqiu", which meansstrong points. What is interesting is "qianqiu", is also a presentation of subjectivity of the translator. Apprantely, the subjectivity of translator is an unavoidable issue, which is existing objectively. On the other side, the subjectivity of the translators should still be based on the orginal and can't be used unboundedly. Abuse of the theory of the subjectivity of translators is not acceptable.