感情的世界里没有谁是谁非,爱有很多种, 而人的一生中或许会经历四种爱
Feelings of the world where no one is wrong, and some who just do not know how to cherish. There are many kinds of love, and the person's life may be experienced in the four love
在错的时候遇到对的人, 是遗憾;
在对的时候遇到错的人, 是错爱;
在错的时候遇到错的人, 是幸运;
在对的时候遇到对的人, 是幸福.
In the wrong time of the encounter, is regrettable that in the face when the wrong people, is Cuoai in the wrong time to have the wrong person, is fortunate in the time of the encounter, is Happiness.
Zhizhuo is a good, loyal to adhere to a better are not necessarily happy, not necessarily loyal to happiness
The departure leaves the wind is not the call, but give up the tree.
You did not give me a Review, but I always smile at you.
You are my fabricated in the Snow White fairy tale, but I just your life in a rush of guests.
I gave it to the, I have willing, in addition to let you know that I Xinrudaoge
I love you for ever. 爱你到永远
I can never live without you!
I`ll miss you forever