How do you think of the love relationship among college students?Among these respondents,Love was a common experience .For one thing,"Love is the sweetest thing, what else on earth could ever bring Such happiness to everything, as love's old story?" are the lyrics to an old love song "Love's Story to You." Popular music ("All You Need Is Love" "What's Love Got to do with It?"), movies (Titanic, Bridges of Madison County), and television dramas (Dawson's Creek) continue to emphasize the importance of love relationships in one's life. This study focused on romantic beliefs among a sample of college students.For another,family life educators and therapists in university counseling centers might be aware of the importance of love in the lives of college students and the developmental sequence regarding their views on love. Freshman and sophomores are significantly more likely to believe in "love at first sight" and "love conquers all" than juniors and seniors. While some couples experience love feelings upon first meeting and find love helpful in motivating them to resolve conflict, most couples discover that love develops over time and that managing conflict in relationships takes work. These discoveries often come with age and relationship experience. Therapists might be cautious in expecting college youth to have views that their age and experience do not provide.However,maybe the romantic relationship is a double blade sword,good or bad,it is up to you.