产地证:Certificate of Origin
1.certificate of origin of China showing 中国产地证明书
stating 证明
evidencing 列明
specifying 说明
indicating 表明
declaration of 声明
2.certificate of Chinese origin 中国产地证明书
3.Certificate of origin shipment of goods of … origin prohibited 产地证,不允许装运…的产品 4.declaration of origin 产地证明书(产地生明)
5.certificate of origin separated 单独出具的产地证
6.certificate of origin "form A" “格式A”产地证明书
7.genetalised system of preference certificate of origin form "A" 普惠制格式“A”产地证明书
Generalized System of Preference(GSP)普惠制
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)贸发会
preference giving country给惠国
Apreference receiving country受惠国
scheme under GSP普惠制方案
general tariff rate一般税率
MFN tariff rate最惠国税率
GSP tariff rate普惠制税率
conventional rate协定税率
Kpreferential tariff treatment优惠关税待遇
reduction of duty减税
duty free免税
depth of tariff cut关税削减幅度
product coverage产品范围
sensitive product敏感产品
kmanufactured and semi-manufactured product制成品和半制成品
Customs Co-operation Council Nomenclature(CCCN)关税合作理事会税则
Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (H.S.)商品分类和编码协调制度
date of scheme entered into force方案生效日期
protective measure(safeguard mechanism)保护措施
escape clause免责条款
prior limitation预定限额
maximum country amount国家最高限额
rules of origin原产地规则
vorigin criterion原产地标准
wholly obtained product完全原产产品
imported content进口成份
ex-factory price出厂价格 usbtantial transformation实质性改造
processing criterion加工标准
percentage criterion百分比标准
final process of manufacture最终工序
perference giving country content给惠国含量
cumulative origin累计原产地
competitive need criterion(provision)竞争需要标准
domestic content国内成份
direct consignment直接运输
land locked exporting country内陆出口国
customs control and superintending海关监督
transit country中转国
through bill of lading联运提单
transit transportation中转运输
documentary evidence书面证明
certifying authorities签证当局
provisional issuance临时签发
retroactive issuance后发
simple operation简单处理
heading No., tariff heading, heading税目号
sub-heading子目 ex=out of …其中部分
APR=Form A of posstal regulation 格式
PAPR dispatch note发递单
parcel post包裹邮寄
Lletter post函件邮寄
export preference receiving country出口受惠国
factory cost, works cost工厂成本
preferential customs duty优惠关税
internal tax国内税
ad valorem duty从价税
funder bond海关保税之下
CDV=current domestic value现行国内价值
valuation for duty purpose税值的估定
customs value海关价值
gappraised value验估价值
GATT=General Agreement on Tariff and Trade关贸总协定
have not entered into commerce or been delivered for home use there没有投入当地贸易或供当地消费
free trade zone自由贸易区
the first verifiable price paid可查明的最早支付价格'
maximum rate of growth on a year to year basis最高逐年增长率
eforce majeure不可抗力
ipso facto根据该事实
null and void无效
vendor of product货物卖主