DB2 700的系统如何扩充表空间?

2025-03-09 21:57:58

1. You did not tell us what's the H/W, O/S.and device type, Database-managed space is SAP's standard DB2 tablespace definition. With DMS-based tablespaces, containers are pre-allocated either by DB2 having FILE based containers or by the system administrator having DEVICE-based containers such as RAW devices (UNIX) or PARTITIONS (Windows). 2. If you have no idea how to add a container in DB2 as Basis, you might need to learn the whole DB2 admin for SAP (BC325 or ADM325) or check help.sap.com. ?I believe you will have lots of other DB2 admin issue. You need to learn Why/What then How. Not just ask this kind of question.


BTW, Add containers for the tablespaces belonging to the database partition groups on the new partition: db2 “alter tablespace add …” depends on what kind of the tablespace