
2025-03-11 09:11:02

我们知道转学留学和正常申请留学是一样的,同样会需要有申请条件,这也是学校所必须的。那么呢?我们平时说到很多正常留学申请对托福成绩的要求,而对于美国本科转学托福成绩要求说的不多,下面来具体的介绍一下。大学名称大学中文名SAT和托福要求Harvard University哈佛大学要求SAT I或ACT 要求托福(没有给出最低的托福要求,但是最好能上100)Princeton University普林斯顿大学很遗憾,Princeton University不接受转学申请。Yale University耶鲁大学要求SAT Reasoning Test或ACT(可用gre代替)T要求 100Columbia University哥伦比亚大学很遗憾这个学校不接受大二学生的申请,If you have begun your second year of study or beyond, you are no longer eligible to apply to Columbia as an undergraduate at all.Stanford University斯坦福大学要求SAT或者ACT,也要求托福(100)。对SAT和ACT的要求是这样的:We do not accept test substitutions. Applications without SAT or ACT with Combined English/Writing scores will not be considered for admission except for students living in countries where these tests are not offered.University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学要求SAT或者ACT,也要求托福(100)。California Institute of Technology加州理工学院SAT不要求,T要求,不过有CIT自己的入学考试Transfer applicants are NOT required to submit SAT or ACT scores. International students must submit TOEFL scores.MIT麻省理工学院需要SAT和托福成绩,托福最好上100,You have two options: you may take the tests required of native English speakers, or you may take the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) and two SAT II subject tests, one in math (Level 1 or Level 2) and one in science (Physics, Chemistry, or Biology E/M).Dartmouth College达特茅斯学院需要托福成绩,有SAT成绩的话申请会更有优势,对于SAT,该校是这样说的:If you have not taken the required tests or if sitting for these exams would be a hardship, you may request a testing waiver by contacting Janet MacElman at Janet.L.MacElman@Dartmouth.EDU. Applications with a testing waiver will be reviewed for admission. However, most transfer applicants will submit the required testing. 最后一句是:大部分的转学申请者都提供所有的必要的材料。Duke University杜克大学要求SAT或者ACT,需要托福成绩(100)The University of Chicago芝加哥大学要求SAT成绩或者ACT成绩。University of Chicago requires an ACT or SAT Reasoning score from all transfer applicants.T 104或IELTS 7.0Northwestern University西北大学要求SAT或者ACT成绩;和托福成绩(最好上100)Johns Hopkins University约翰霍普金斯大学SAT不要求:SAT Reasoning Test or ACT scores are optional. SAT Subject Tests are not required托福要求:Applicants taking the Internet-based TOEFL (iBT) should have minimum sub-scores of 26 (Reading), 26 (Listening), 22 (Writing), and 25 (Speaking). 或者IELTS 7.0Washington University in St. Louis圣路易斯华盛顿大学不要求SAT成绩,托福成绩最好在100以上Brown University布朗大学校方强烈建议提供SAT成绩:For freshman applicants, Brown normally expects to see either the SAT Reasoning Test (SAT I) and any two SAT Subject Tests (SAT II), or the complete ACT (with Writing).? For transfer students, we also prefer to see such scores.? However, since the college you are endeavoring to transfer from may not have required such examinations as part of their admission requirement, we will not retroactively place this as a requirement on you as a Brown transfer applicant? But please note that the SAT’s give us one tool (among others) of comparing applicants across a wide variety of secondary school preparation, and so we do encourage you to take one or the other, if you have not done so previously.Cornell University康奈尔大学托福要求100.不要求SAT成绩:If you have previously taken the SAT or ACT, you should have an official score report sent to Cornell by the testing agency. It is not necessary to take the SAT or ACT if you have not previously done so.Rice University莱斯大学要求SAT成绩,托福成绩要求100Vanderbilt University范德堡大学需要SAT或者ACT成绩University of Notre Dame圣母大学该校没有明确说明是否强制需要SAT,但是有SAT成绩对对申请是有优势的,是考虑的一项:Admissibility is primarily gauged by a student’s academic record. The Committee is looking for those students whose academic performance in high school and college is consistently strong. The College GPA of successful transfers is typically 3.7 or higher. Good high school grades with solid SAT or ACT test results and high grades in college are usually positive indicators of one’s chances of being admitted.Emory Univertisy埃默里大学SAT和T要求:Applicants must also submit scores on the SAT, given by the College Entrance Examination Board, or on the ACT, administered by the American College Testing Program.Georgetown University乔治敦大学需要SAT成绩:High school transcript, including SAT or ACT resultsUC Berkeley加州大学伯克利分校需要提供SAT成绩Carnegie Mellon University卡内基梅隆大学如果SAT之前没有考,现在可以不考,但最好还是有SAT成绩:If you have not previously completed the SAT Reasoning test, the ACT test with Writing, or the SAT Subject Tests and are applying for transfer to Carnegie Mellon, DO NOT complete those tests now.University of Southern Califonia南加州大学最好有30学分,SAT没有说required,但最好能够提供:There is no minimum number of transfer units you must complete before applying for admission. However, if you have completed fewer than 30 units, we will focus primarily on your high school record and results from the SAT or ACT.UCLA加州大学洛杉矶分校没有SAT的要求University of Virginia弗吉尼亚大学如果托福成绩够高,可以不用提供SAT:the SAT I or ACT is required, however, the toefl is also acceptable as a substitute for the SAT or ACT for non-native english speakersWake Forest University维克森林大学SAT不是必要的:Submission of standardized test scores (SAT or ACT) is optional.Tufts University塔夫斯大学SAT不是必要的:SAT Reasoning Test or ACT scores (SAT Subject Test scores are not required, but should be sent if available).University of Michigan Ann Arbor密歇根大学安娜堡分校SAT不是必要的:If you did not take the ACT or SAT as a high school student, these scores will not be required as part of your transfer application to the University of Michigan and you should not sit for the exams as a college student.The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校作为申请他们学校的大三入读的学生,不需要提供SAT:sophomore applicants are required to submit a SAT Reasoning Test and/or the ACT (including the writing section). Junior applicants may submit SAT or ACT scores if they wish, but are not required to do so 以上内容就是对美国本科转学托福要求做的介绍,希望通过我们的介绍能够帮助大家更好的认识这个问题。