请注意时态的转化,参考如下:
今天早晨的天气晴朗。我们一家人开着车到外婆家去。到达外婆家的时候,小弟弟已经在笑嘻嘻地迎接我们了。之后,妈妈和我去摘茶叶。我看到茶叶是绿色的,好像一颗小叶子!妈妈叫我只要摘小芽就好了。过了不久,我们就摘了很多茶叶,就高兴地抱着回家了!
The
weather
is
fine
this
morning.
Our
family
drove
to
my
grandmother's
house.
When
it
arrives
at
Grandma's
house,
little
brother
has
been
smiling
to
greet
us.
After
that,
mom
and
went
to
pick
the
tea.
see
the
tea
is
green,
like
a
small
leaf!
My
mother
told
me
to
pick
it
up
as
long
as
the
budlet.
After
a
while,
we
took
a
lot
of
tea,
and
then
we
went
home
happily!