
2025-03-01 08:58:56

魔兽世界在进游戏后只要选中自己打GM命令 .add+空格+物品代码 即可上面装备的物品代码就是item

[item 647]=命运
[item 12592]=沙赫拉姆黑剑
[item 1728]=提布的炽炎长剑
[item 13937]=院长之杖
[item 13505]=瑞文戴尔之剑
[item 10847]=龙之召唤
[item 13246]=Argent Avenger(副手)
[item 13937]=Typhoon(一把双手剑)
[item 2243]=Hand of Edward the Odd(据说是PAL的极品锤子)
[item 13964]=Witchblade(不错的匕首)
[item 12582]=Keris of Zul’Serak(同上)
[item 11808]=Circle of Flame(法师戴上会怒发冲冠 呵呵)
[item 944]=Elemental Mage Staff(极品仗)
[item 16845]=Giantstalker’s Breastplate
[item 16846]=Giantstalker’s Helmet
[item 16847]=Giantstalker’s Leggings
[item 16848]=Giantstalker’s Epaulets
[item 16849]=Giantstalker’s Boots
[item 16850]=Giantstalker’s Bracers
[item 16851]=Giantstalker’s Belt
[item 16852]=Giantstalker’s Gloves

[item 16722]=Lightforge Bracers
[item 16723]=Lightforge Belt
[item 16724]=Lightforge Gauntlets
[item 16725]=Lightforge Boots
[item 16726]=Lightforge Breastplate
[item 16727]=Lightforge Helm
[item 16728]=Lightforge Legplates
[item 16729]=Lightforge Spaulders

[item 16811]=Boots of Prophecy
[item 16812]=Gloves of Prophecy
[item 16813]=Circlet of Prophecy
[item 16814]=Pants of Prophecy
[item 16815]=Robes of Prophecy
[item 16816]=Mantle of Prophecy
[item 16817]=Girdle of Prophecy
[item 16819]=Vambraces of Prophecy

[item 16919]=Boots of Transcendence
[item 16920]=Handguards of Transcendence
[item 16921]=Halo of Transcendence
[item 16922]=Leggings of Transcendence
[item 16923]=Robes of Transcendence
[item 16924]=Pauldrons of Transcendence
[item 16925]=Belt of Transcendence
[item 16926]=Bindings of Transcendence

[item 16943]=Bracers of Ten Storms
[item 16944]=Belt of Ten Storms
[item 16945]=Epaulets of Ten Storms
[item 16946]=Legplates of Ten Storms
[item 16947]=Helmet of Ten Storms
[item 16948]=Gauntlets of Ten Storms
[item 16949]=Greaves of Ten Storms
[item 16950]=Breastplate of Ten Storms

[item 12939]=Dal’Rend’s Tribal Guardian
[item 12940]=Dal’Rend’s Sacred Charge

[item 16795]=Arcanist Crown
[item 16796]=Arcanist Leggings
[item 16797]=Arcanist Mantle
[item 16798]=Arcanist Robes
[item 16799]=Arcanist Bindings
[item 16800]=Arcanist Slippers
[item 16801]=Arcanist Gloves
[item 16802]=Arcanist Belt

蓝色英勇套装Battlegear of Valor set
[item 16730]=Breastplate of Valor
[item 16731]=Helm of Valor
[item 16732]=Legplates of Valor
[item 16733]=Spaulders of Valor
[item 16734]=Boots of Valor
[item 16735]=Bracers of Valor
[item 16736]=Belt of Valor
[item 16737]=Gauntlets of Valor

紫色力量套装Battlegear of Might
[item 16861]=Bracers of Might
[item 16862]=Sabatons of Might
[item 16863]=Gauntlets of Might
[item 16864]=Belt of Might
[item 16865]=Breastplate of Might
[item 16866]=Helm of Might
[item 16867]=Legplates of Might
[item 16868]=Pauldrons of Might

紫色愤怒套装Battlegear of Wrath
[item 16959]=Bracelets of Wrath
[item 16960]=Waistband of Wrath
[item 16961]=Pauldrons of Wrath
[item 16962]=Legplates of Wrath
[item 16963]=Helm of Wrath
[item 16964]=Gauntlets of Wrath
[item 16965]=Sabatons of Wrath
[item 16966]=Breastplate of Wrath

蓝色暗影手艺装备Shadowcraft Armor
[item 16707]=Shadowcraft Cap
[item 16708]=Shadowcraft Spaulders
[item 16709]=Shadowcraft Pants
[item 16710]=Shadowcraft Bracers
[item 16711]=Shadowcraft Boots
[item 16712]=Shadowcraft Gloves
[item 16713]=Shadowcraft Belt
[item 16721]=Shadowcraft Tunic

紫色暗夜屠夫装备Nightslayer Armor
[item 16820]=Nightslayer Chestpiece
[item 16821]=Nightslayer Cover
[item 16822]=Nightslayer Pants
[item 16823]=Nightslayer Shoulder Pads
[item 16824]=Nightslayer Boots
[item 16825]=Nightslayer Bracelets
[item 16826]=Nightslayer Gloves
[item 16827]=Nightslayer Belt

紫色血牙装备Bloodfang Armor
[item 16832]=Bloodfang Spaulders
[item 16905]=Bloodfang Chestpiece
[item 16906]=Bloodfang Boots
[item 16907]=Bloodfang Gloves
[item 16908]=Bloodfang Hood
[item 16909]=Bloodfang Pants
[item 16910]=Bloodfang Belt
[item 16911]=Bloodfang Bracers


.addgo : 在你的坐标添加游戏对象
.add : 添加项目到你的背包中.
.addnpc : 添加NPC到游戏.
.del : 删除目标NPC
.setlevel : 设置个人或NPC的等级
.setmodel : 给NPC或个人设置模型数量.
.learn : 学习魔法的数目
.save : 保存文件.
.rehash : 改写目标.
.flag1 : 设置有毛病的标记.
.ppon : 打开pp系统.
.ppoff :关闭pp系统.
.turn : 转动NPC面朝你.
.come : NPC来到你的位置.
.go : 去世界坐标
.gotrigger: 进入世界范围的位置,参数: trigger_number
.kill : 杀死选择的NPC或个人.
.killallnpc : 杀死所有的NPC的形象.
.resurrect : 复活选择的个人.
.setsize : 设置NPC的大小
.setspeed : 设置NPC或个人的速度
.setflags : 设置NPC或O.G的面具. 参数:
.addspawn : 添加大量的点到你的位置. 参数 : [] []
.setnpcspawn : 添加条目和数目作成大量NPC到大量的点
.setnpcgo : 设置条目由于大量游戏目标到大量点
.setspawndist : 设置小和大距离到大量
.setspawntime : 设置小和大的时间到大量.
.setxp : 设置经验到个人.
.paralyse : 不动和动到个人或NPC.
.setaura : 设置预兆数目
.exploration : 打开你地图的位置
.dismount : 卸下你.
.listsp :列出你的魔法.
.listsk :列出你的技能.
.delsp : 忘记魔法
.delsk : 忘记技能.
.info : 附近NPC的信息.
.online : 显示在线玩家数目
.goname : 移动到输入名字的个人或NPC.
.goguid : 移动到行会.
.targetgo : 尝试移动到最近的玩家(定位最近的object)
.targetlink : 尝试到连接目标OF选择目标
.move :传送目标.
.retcl : 重装TCL
.rescp : 重装 SCP.
.clearqflags : 清楚寻找标记
.bytes : for debug
.pingmm : 制造点在你的地图
.adddyn : 测试到竞技