问题一:学历:本科用英语怎么说 学历:本科
Education: bachelor degree
Education: bachelor degree
问题二:“本科”英语怎么说? 好象没有直接的司(偶是不知道)。
undergraduate course
问题三:“大学本科学历”用英语怎么表达呀? 大学本科学历 准确的译法为“a bachelor's degree”
请看 *** 全书(Wikipedia Encyclopedia)的解释:
A bachelor's degree is usually an academic degree awarded for an undergraduate course or major that generally lasts for four years, but can range from two to six years depending on the region of th弧 world. It may also be the name of a postgraduate degree, such as a Bachelor of Civil Law, the Bachelor of Music, or the Bachelor of Philosophy.
问题四:本科,一本,二本用英语怎么说 Bachelor's degree, the first batch of universities, the second batch of universities。
本科学历 第一批大学 第二批大学
问题五:“专科”和“本科”用英语怎么说 不知道你说的弧专科”和“本科”是指的是学历还是其它内容,下面就分别解释一下:
大专院校是junior college,一般没有学历方面的翻译
本科课程:regular college course或者undergraduate course
本科学生:undergraduate或者undergraduate student
学士学位:bachelor或者bachelor's degree
问题六:“本科毕业生”英文怎么说? undergraduate是 在读本科生
graduate是 本科毕业生=bachelor
postgraduate 研究生
而大专生 是 academic students
问题七:“大学本科毕业”用英语怎么说? graduated from university.
问题八:专科,本科,用英语怎么说 专科
junior college education; (college for) professional training
undergraduate course; regular college course
问题九:本科,一本,二本用英语怎么说? Bachelor's degree, the first batch of universities, the seco耿d batch of universities。
本科学历 第一批大学 第二批大学
问题十:本科生的英文怎么说 本科生 undergraduate student
硕士生 graduate student
博士生 doctorate student