现代物流方案设计 Schematic Design of Modern Logistics
国际货运代理 Internation Freight Forward Agent
代理报关报检Customs Broker Inspection
国际多式联运 International Multimodal Transport
大陆桥国际联运International Continental Bridge Transportation
长江内支线航运 The Yangtze River Inner Lateral Shipping
内陆—香港间的过境运输 Transit Transport between Inland and Hong Kong
仓储及配送 Storage and dispatch
现代物流方案设计 modern logistic plan
国际货运代理 international forwarder
代理报关报检 custom clearance and commercial inspection
国际多式联运 international multimodal transportation
大陆桥国际联运 land bridge transportation
长江内支线航运 feeder transportation on the Yangtse river
内陆—香港间的过境运输 这个不是很清楚
仓储及配送 storage and dispatching
Modern logistics design
International Freight Forwarders
Deputy customs inspection
International Multimodal Transport
International bridge transport
In the Yangtze River Shipping Line
Inland - the cross-border transportation between Hong Kong
仓储及配送 Warehousing and distribution
The scheme designs modern logistics
Freight acts for an international
The newspaper acting for clearance of goods checks up
How dyadic through transport of international
Continent bridge international through transport
The Yangtse River inner branch line shipping
Transiting to Hong Kong room transports inland
Keep in a storehouse and distribution
说吧 怎么谢我
1 mordern Logistics proposal design
2 international freight forwarding agent
3 customs declaration agent
4 international multimodal transport
5 continental bridge international transport
6 Yangtze river branch line shipping
7 inland-HK transit
8 storage and distribution