
2025-03-05 05:45:44

1、你最突出的优点是什么?what is your greatest strength ?
I feel that my biggest asset (strength) is my ability to stick to things to get them done . I feel a sense of accomplishment when i finish a job and it turns out just as I 'd expected . For instance, i determined to graduate with highest distinction , though I had a slow start in my freshman year , i worked hard and ended up with an honor's thesis .
2、what is your major ?
I majored in ... , I am a big fan of ...
which school did you go to ?
I attended ... university .
3、Do you feel that you have received a good trainning ?

Yes , i was an intern in … company and learned ...
4、What kind of personality do you think you have ?
I always approach things enthusiatically . I dont want leave anything halfdone , which i suppose is a great asset of mine.
5、What are your personal weaknesses ?
I am a poor talker , if i meet a person for the first time , i might not be able to initiate a conversation right away , which i know is a flaw , so i.have been studying public speaking
6、What do you think of overtime work ?

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Overtime work is common in the modern world , i suppose . I dont mind working overtime in necessary circumstances , but then again , i dont think we need to work overtime everyday if we can perform well
7、what salary do you have in.mind.?
Well , i think it will be better if we first discuss my responsibilities ? Salary is closely related to the responsibilities of the job and the contributions I can bring to the.company.