
2025-02-25 09:53:05

男:对 你无情 你残酷 你无理取闹
Man: for you are cold hearted and ruthless make trouble out of nothing
Female: aren't you ruthless!? not cruel! Do not make trouble out of nothing?!?
Male: I where ruthless cruelty!? where where make trouble out of nothing!?!?
Woman: where did you not heartless!? where is not cruel!? where do not make trouble out of nothing!?
男:我就算在怎么无情 再怎么残酷 再怎么无理取闹也不会比你更无情 更残酷 更无理取闹
Man: I even in how cold hearted and ruthless and make trouble out of nothing any more than youmake trouble out of nothing more brutal and ruthless
Female: I am more ruthless than you!? you cruel than you make trouble out of nothing!?!?
你才是我见过最无情 最残酷 最无理取闹的人
You are I have seen the most ruthless of the most people make trouble out of nothing
男:哼 我绝对没你无情 没你残酷 没你无理取闹
Male: Yes I definitely didn't you heartless you cruel didn't you make trouble out of nothing
女:好 既然你说我无情 我残酷 我无理取闹我就无情给你看 残酷给你看 无理取闹给你看
Female: good since you say I'm ruthless I cruel I make trouble out of nothing I look to you cruelruthless to see you make trouble out of nothing to you
男:看吧 还说你不无情 不残酷 不无理取闹现在完全展现你无情 残酷 无理取闹的一面了吧.
Male: See also said that you not heartless not cruel don't make trouble out of nothing now fullyshow you make trouble out of nothing cruel side of it.