---如果你的表里只有一个班级,那么可以去掉where 后面语句
select count(*) as '考试人数' from tb where 班级='1'
select avg(语文) as '语文平均分' from tb where 班级='1'
select avg(数学) as '数学平均分' from tb where 班级='1'
select avg(英语) as '英语平均分' from tb where 班级='1'
select * from tb where 语文>=80 and 数学>=80 and 英语>=80 and 班级='1' ---如果只查名字, 则可以 把* 替换为 名字 as '每科'>=80
select * from tb where 语文>=90 and 数学>=90 and 英语>=90 and 班级='1' ---如果只查名字, 则可以 把* 替换为 名字 as '每科'>=90
select min(语文) as '语文最低分' ,min(数学)as '数学最低分' ,min(英语) as '英语最低分' from tb where 班级='1'
select max(语文) as '语文最高分' ,max(数学)as '数学最高分' ,max(英语) as '英语最高分' from tb where 班级='1'
select 名字 as '总分300以上名字' from tb where (语文+数学+英语)>300 and 班级='1'
select 名字 as '总分250--300以上名字' from tb where (语文+数学+英语) between 250.001 and 300 and 班级='1'--between包含边缘,所以用250.001
select 名字 as '总分200--250以上名字' from tb where (语文+数学+英语) between 200 and 250 and 班级='1'
select max(row_num() over (partition 班级 order by 名字)) as '考试人数' from tb group by 班级
union all
select avg(语文) as '语文平均分' from tb group by 班级
union all
select avg(数学) as '数学平均分' from tb group by 班级
union all
select avg(英语) as '英语平均分' from tb group by 班级
select count(decode(语文,>=60,名字)) /count(*) from tb group by 班级