1他不知所措,因为对他来说开山修路是件新鲜事。(He didn’t know what to do because building roads throughmountains is a new thing to him.)
2.两性在语言上的差异,实际上在所有语言中都有。(There is a language difference be present ingenders, actually, there are differences in all the languages.
3.夫妇两人打算今年庆祝结婚20周年纪念日。(The wife and thehusband want to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary today.)
4.他认为建立无烟区花钱太多,太费时间。(He thinks that building non-smoking areas cost toomuch money and time.)
5.医生说如果把物质当作满足自己感觉的一种方式,那就有问题了。(The doctor said if materials are be used as a way ofsatisfying one’s own feel, then there is a problem.)
6.那个小女孩昨天上学忘记带午餐了,一个男孩主动和她分享一个大苹果。 (Yesterday in school, that girl forgot herlunch, and a boy offer to share her a big apple.)
7.她曾自我保证决不早婚,要做一个事业心强的女性,但实际上她20岁就结婚了。(She once promised not to marry early, to be a career-mindedwoman, but in fact, she married when she was 20.)
8.医生一提出这个问题,病人的脸上就发生了非常明显的变化。(When the doctor asked this question, the change onthe patient’s face couldn’t have been more obvious.)
9.夫妇两人从早到晚努力干活,以便挣到足够的钱使全家过上宽裕的生活。(The husband and wife worked hard from morning tonight, so they could earn enough money to keep the family well fed.)
10.通过因特网形成的友谊会带来人与人的相聚,这是现代生活的特点(feature) 之一。(Internet formfriendship will bring people together, this is one of the feature in modern daylife.)
1. Thefirst NobelPrizes were awarded in l90l,and they very soon became the greatest honor that aperson could receive in these fields.
2. You know Englishhas several specialwords that people sometimes use when they’re talking aboutwomen.
3.Amy knew that sheneeded a firm parent,but it often seemed easier to avoid a fight than to standup to her in public.
4.He, therefore,supports the restrictionof smoking in every public place, including schools,hospitals, theaters, andother work areas.
5.A man thinks thatonly the most expensiveexercise bicycle will help improve his body, even thoughhe already owns a lotof body-building equipment that he doesn’t use.
6. You can also begiving by helping someone whois lost to find his way, or by greeting someone new to your school.
7.I thought I was sogrown up and kneweverything there was to know, but I realize that even now, Iknow little aboutlife and what it’s about.
8.If we want to makereal progress, we needto be able to talk with him.
9.Argyle Streetbecamea place where people could have an ordinary life, and it has become aninternationalarea.
10.The Internet willnot only make it easier to keep up with distantfriends, it will also allow usto find new companions.