1飞机是一种能飞行的机器。-----The plane is 【a】 kind of machine 【which/that】 can fly.
2我们今天早上买的鱼不新鲜。----The fish 【which/that/不填】 we bought this morning isn't fresh.
3昨天参观我们班的外国人来自法国。----The foreigner 【who/that】 visited our class yesterday is from France.
4这就是那位闻名世界的科学家。----This is the scientist who 【is known all over the world】
5我想住在有充足阳光的乡村。-----①种写法:I want to live in the countryside 【which/that】 is full of sunshine.
-----②种写法:I want to live in the countryside 【which/that】 has enough sunshine.
在我看来 嘻嘻 In my view 其实写法都对 !你很棒哦!
1.The plane is _a_ kind of machine which can fly.
4.This is the scientist who becomes known to _all around the world_.