
2025-02-25 02:56:41


Dear Sirs,

We have learned that you have just stopped using our parts and components. If that's true, we regret to say that we will have to cancel our order both No.111 and No.222.

However, we still hope that you can produce our parts and components in Shanghai, which freight and delivery date can be severely curtailed. But as our purchasing system is quite strict, any change in origin of our parts and components must be tested and certificated by technical dapartment, and pass the samples test, quality test, quality authentication and other precesses independently so that they can be produced in mass. We wish you can understand that we would not allow to change the origin of the parts and components before the above processes have been done.

With regards.

Yours faithfully,


please may i ask about your campany had give up things from my company? if yes, so i will cancel two orders, they are #111#222.

plus, my campany welcome you to make things from my company in shanghai, because this will be very faster to transport things and it will cost lesser money.
hope your company can understand us. so befor we get start, we can not allow you to change the basic place of this thing. thank you..

初三翻译, 翻译的不好。 如果你能把我括号里的句子说的具体点的话, 我继续帮你翻。。 但是你的问题补充是什么意思啊 ?

楼2的果然很好,我的句子肯定不通顺。。 还多多请教